
Branding : The Liverpool English Pub

The Liverpool English Pub is the self-proclaimed 'first traditionally English pub' in Ukraine. The branding is bang on, beautifully designed and very well executed.

The team behind it, Reynolds and Reyner, say :
"While working on project it was very important to show the connection between our brand and traditional England. Especially with its famous town – Liverpool. That’s why we’ve started from analysis of history and key elements of town’s name and logo."


  1. I note a distinct lack of Cyrillic. Is the whole complement of signage and stationery and accessories entirely in English despite being located in Ukraine?

    1. This is actually a very good point - I didn't even think about that. It's a real place, in Lviv. I guess they are just trying to stay as true to the 'English Pub' idea as possible.

  2. Do you have any idea where they printed all of these stuff? It's so classy. I've been look for it in the internet but no luck.

    1. No idea I'm afraid, great quality isn't it? I guess you could get in touch with Reynolds and Reyner, maybe they'll share the secret printers with you ;-)

  3. I hope so. Btw, I'm from Qatar and there's no printer here that can do like this type of work and one of our clients, who happens to be part of the Royal family, wanted something of class. It's quite disappointing to know that we can't get anything done here with high standards. Even more so searching on the internet with no luck. Our graphic designer told me that design agencies won't normally give their printers out as this is one of their biggest assets. :( Is there by any chance you can recommend top notch printers? Thanks! ^_^


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