
Handmade : Blues-be-gone Inspiration Jar

One of my Christmas gifts this year was this "Blues-be-Gone" inspiration jar.

I starting by scouring the internet for 50 great quotes ranging from insightful to witty and stopping off at pretty damn silly somewhere in between. I then wrote them onto 50 cards and sent them off to the wonderful moo.com for printing. I bought a Mason jar and filled it with purple shredded crete paper, placed each card into a purple envelope and put them in the jar.

The idea is that every time you feel a bit down or just need a bit of inspiration, you just reach inside the jar and voila. Take a look at some of the cards and a few snaps of the finished product below.


  1. Good idea A!! As you can see I still reach for the sky, so perhaps you already know which B-B-G card is my favourite?? yes,the green one (allthough I also like the yellow ) §:-))

  2. @Jetty Thanks Jetty, it was great fun looking for the quotes, every time I think i have a favourite I read another one and change my mind :-)

  3. What a wonderful idea! I'm going to try something similar as a gift for my daughter. Where did you get the envelopes that fit the cards? Assuming you used moo's rounded business cards, yes? Thanks for sharing your creativity!!

  4. @Joe Thanks Joe! That's awesome, make sure to share some pics if you make one, I'd love to see your spin on it :-) I did indeed use Moo's rounded cards and I got the envelopes from a company here in the UK called simply envelopes (found on the net). Happy creating and good luck with your project! Anneke


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