
Love/Hate : Minimalist Interior Design

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Now, if you know me then you will know that I am a bit of a hoarder at heart. I am from a very long line of 'you never know when it will come in handy' people, and I firmly believe that the day you throw something away is the day you will need it for some random project. Ok, so maybe I don't really believe that, but it always seems that way, doesn't it?

There are two famous dictons on this subject, one is "Clean desk, clear mind" and the other is "Creative minds are rarely tidy". I fall on the side of the latter, and while I admire uber-tidy people, I just couldn't do it. Which brings me to today's Love/Hate. Magazines are full of beautiful, minimalist interiors that are truly stunning, but my question is could anyone genuinely live in such a picture perfect home? I mean seriously, where do you put all your stuff?

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  1. Hey! Just came across your blog, very cool! :) You asked where do people keep their stuff in these minimalist homes, and the thing about minimalism is you have less stuff, therefore you don't need it out everywhere on display and it is typically put away in a place away from view. So that's not really a problem, "converting" to minimalism can make this issue since the first step is getting rid of all your junk and "needed" items! That was fun though for me. It's a stress reliever and its true what they say, the more stuff you own, the more your stuff owns you! :)

    1. Hi Jessica! I'm very glad you like the blog!

      This is a very good point, I have way too much stuff for sure. I think it is beyond my stuff owning me, it also owns my home and my office too! :-)

  2. If you haven't used something in six months, you didn't need it in the first place. You wear 3% of your wardrobe, the pieces you like best, and the rest sits there. Why have it then? Cleaning takes me 15 minutes. No way am I going to spend time taking care of inanimate objects. Life is too short as it is.

    1. That actually sounds like a very good idea. When I moved, I left a whole heap of stuff with my parents and I now realise how little I need any of it.

  3. I love this minimalist design. I wish I had a house designed just like this one. By the way, I looked at the floor on the first photo and I couldn't recognize the material used. Is that a timber flooring or vinyls?

  4. I absolutely love the minimalist philosophy applied to living rooms. The added space provides a peaceful ambiance, perfect for rest and relaxation while watching your favorite shows.

  5. The interior designer who implemented this idea is great in making this a minimalist one. It is indeed refreshing and calming. I'd love to enjoy watching my favorite movies in a living room that looks like this.

  6. This is a lovely interior design. What I like most is the fact that you used the minimalist style to make this design a compelling one. The color of the room complements well with the appliances and furniture.

  7. I love minimalist interior design. The clean lines and modern sleek furniture is just perfect. I would love to live in this house.

    computer desks

  8. This is a perfect design for a house. The minimalist design made the entire house look pretty amazing and clean. I also love the idea of making the entire house spacious with those small but elegant furniture.
    perth home renovations

  9. This is a perfect design for a house. The minimalist design made the entire house look pretty amazing and clean. I also love the idea of making the entire house spacious with those small but elegant furniture.

    perth home renovations

  10. I agree with the above comments. The idea of making the house as simple as that made the whole thing perfect. I would love to stay and live in a house that has a lot of simple yet elegant furniture. By the way, the sofa looks pretty impressive.

  11. It looks very clean yet sophisticated, I love the white motif!

  12. I love how minimalist this design is. It looks so elegant.


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